Our Mission
As our logo states, we “Nourish the Human Potential”.
Our Vision
We work with integrity to apply Montessori as a human science in and outside the classrooms, in and outside the school, in spite of our diversity in roles, age, culture, or belief system.
With this strong vision as our drive, and a culture of collaboration and continuous self-evaluation, we seek to challenge ourselves, to learn from our mistakes and experiences, and to grow, both as human beings, and as a community.
Our Educational Aspirations
The method used in a Montessori school has a very specific goal, which is to give children the necessary tools to adapt to the world in which they are growing in and which they will be living in as adults – a different world than the one we know today. In order to do that, it is necessary to help children develop the following competences: communication, collaboration, leadership skills, analytical skills, initiative, curiosity, and imagination.
Our priority is to build within the child a capacity to think and act in any given situation, rather than give him data to memorize – which is what traditional schooling does. The Montessori child is unique, he builds himself using his own resources, and will always take full advantage of those skills. He will be able to face the unknown with confidence.