If you’re a teacher of any level K-12, are fluent in English and would like to go to the US, the DAI program is now open for applications. Here is the ministerial note related to the program.
إذا كنت مدرسًا في أي مستوى من الإبتدائي إلى الثانوي، تتحدث الإنجليزية بطلاقة وترغب في الذهاب إلى الولايات المتحدة ، فإن برنامج DAI مفتوح الآن لتقديم الطلبات. هنا المذكرة الوزارية المتعلقة بالبرنامج. حظ سعيد!
The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (DAI) is an opportunity for public secondary school teachers to benefit from a semester- long professional development program at an American host university. Moroccan DAI grantees take courses, team-teach, lead classes, and share their expertise with U.S. teachers and students in elementary and secondary local schools, and engage in other teaching-related activities. Participating teachers are coming from different countries and they are placed in groups to live, study, and work together at an American university. The DAI provides a full American campus and community experience in which participants see American life at many levels. Academic coursework focuses on instructional technology and leadership. DAI grantees are guided by American professors of education as they work together on individual or group projects outlined in the application.
The DAI program also provides an opportunity for American teachers to come to Morocco for three to six months. Like the DAI Moroccan grantees, the American teachers may audit two university classes, observe classes in local schools, and share their expertise with Moroccan teachers and students. U.S. teachers also complete a project.
Application Timeline:
For more information or to apply please visit MACECE’s website by clicking the “Apply” button.